Hugo's Bar

How Jack became a mixology master and started his business on the move and why he named his business after his nephew.

What's your business, and who are your customers?

My name is Jack Draper and I’m 20 years of age with a portable catering business called Hugo’s Bar. We have a day and evening bar. We serve hand crafted hot drinks, soft drinks, artisan ice cream, hand made milkshakes, warm snacks, cakes and slices. Then in the evenings we have a fully stocked bar with the best beers, wines, cider, ale and Prosecco, which we also do over 66 different cocktails. I am a fully qualified flair bartender, mixology bartender and speed bartender. I lived in London to study bartending to become one of the best in the country. Lots of my recipes are made by myself and we are always willing to try new creations! We do private hire for weddings, birthdays, christenings, funerals, corporate events, hen do’s and many more!

Tell us about yourself and why you got started and what keeps you going

I started Hugo’s Bar in 2021 to bring people together to have fun and make memories. I thrive in providing the best quality products available so everyone enjoys them! Meeting new people and having amazing conversations always keeps me going, I’ve met many amazing people on this journey and wanting to meet many more. 

Why is the business named Hugo's Bar - who is Hugo?

It's named after my nephew. He’s 7 and unable to walk and talk yet. He’s getting there but has lots of help to get him to where he is. My parents help lots to help his muscles strong, so it’s meaningful to me.

What's one of the hardest things that comes with being a business owner?

The hardest thing about owning my own business at my age is the early mornings, and little sleep but in the end it is well worth it. I have adapted to being an early morning person which I surprised myself by too.

What are the top tips you'd give to anyone looking to start, run and grow a business today?

The best advice I can give anyone about starting there own business at any age is just to go for it. Take the risk and put all your effort into it. If you are passionate enough you will succeed. Do your research and speak to people. I’ve had many successful business people give me advice along the way and this helps massively and I love talking to older people to get their advice from experience.

What's the one thing you would ask your customers/clients/guests/community to do to support you?

To support me, please share my social media as this is my second year trading and want everyone to know who to call in order for the best events. And if anyone with business experience has any advice please get in contact with me, I want all the advice I can get.

Where can people find you and your business?

Website -
Facebook - Hugo's bar
Instagram - hugosbar_1
Linked in - jack draper

Categories: : Artisan Businesses